When you introduce yourself and people ask what you do, how do you answer? Often, we tell the person our job title and what our company produces or services. Rarely do we tell the person WHY we do what we do!
Unfortunately, many companies communicate the same way. They are quick to tell you who they are, what they do, and how they do it, but not WHY they do it!
The WHY is the reason people connect with you and most often, buy from you!
With which person would you be more interested in developing a business relationship?
Hi, I am Sean. I am the President at Unbranded Sales. I sell consulting services and create custom strategies and processes to improve your company’s sales, marketing, and business development teams. Some of the services I provide are sales and marketing planning, strategy and execution, forecasting, due diligence, and sales training.
Hi, I am Sean. I empower individuals to push their organizations forward and to challenge the status quo. I believe in creating sales cultures that inspire purpose and deliver impactful results. I accomplish this by providing insight and planning into transforming your most critical sales challenges into opportunities.
Try to communicate Why you do what you do or Why you are who you are the next time you meet someone or start a sales call. Align yourself and your company with the people and companies who share and believe in your WHY. You will develop a deeper relationship and purpose with your customer and be able to create impactful results for yourself and others!
Can you describe you and your company’s WHY without mentioning your company name, product, or service in three sentences or less?
Provide your WHY in the comments below…
If you are looking to explore and optimize your WHY or create growth and value through nontraditional sales practices, contact me at sean.ray@unbrandedsales.com or visit www.unbrandedsales.com to start transforming the way you sell!
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