Sales Methodology

If I had a dollar to invest in a sales effort for a company, it would go to building inside sales process and execution. It will be the dominant model for the next five to 10 years, and the payback of doing it well is 10 times that of field models.
Lars Leckie, Venture Capitalist at Hummer Winblad
In today’s business world we as salespeople and managers are asked to build and create the relationships that will yield repeat business and higher profits, but often times fall short of expectations. The purpose of our methodology is to provide a framework and standard process for sales and operational executives to understand and manage their sales process.
Acording to the National Sales Executive Association:
80% of sales are made on the fifth to twelfth contact.
25% of sales people when presented with a prospect make a second contact and stop.
10% of sales people make more than three contacts with a prospect.
Unbranded Sales will help you accelerate your sales using a unique methodology to communicate your strategy and value, so you can begin achieving financial success and building relationships with your customers AND achieve higher profits!
The Unbranded Sales Methodology is unique to each customer. It is designed to help YOU achieve your desired outcome and financial goals. The fundamental principles of the methodology are based on four pillars:
Each pillar works in unison with the next and forms a foundation that is unique in its responsibilities and processes. They are the foundation for any successful sales organization!
Characteristics and Responsibilites of the four pillars based on the
Unbranded Sales Methodology
Tactical Plan
Executes Sales Plan
Driven by W/L
Thrives on new opportunites
Lead Generation
Architech of Brand Message
Executive Leader
Process Owner
Strategic Plan
Forecast Accountablility
Sales Plan
Strategic Partner
Trusted Advisor

How we approach our solution is unique, we look at the business from the customer’s perspective.
We start by alighning ourselves with your company strategically and tactically to determine your desired outcome and solution. After we have established your current practices we begin to formulate a solution that is highly customized to take advantage of your strengths and customer's preferences. We help you to create a process and/or methodology that you can incorporate into your culture and obtain realtime feedback and measurements that allow you to make the correct business decisions proactively.
Unbranded Sales

STRATEGIC Planning and Alignment
Define Opportunity
Goals and Objectives
Company Interviews
Terms and Conditions
TACTICAL Planning and Alignment
Review and Define current Sales Process and Structure
Outline Business/Sales Plan
Identify your Value Proposition
Internal and External SWOT
Identify aand define your competion
Define your market and Customer

STRATEGIC Implementation
Cultivate Strategic Message
Generate Prospect List
Barand Positioning
Marketing Plan
Timing of Market Roll Out
Create Sales Forecast: From Where and How
Create Sales Metrics
Finalize Sales and Marketing Plans
Identify Market Expansion Opportunites
TACTICAL Implementation
Evaluate and Rank New Opportunites
Align Current Relationships to New Strategy
Communicate Value Proposition
Market Brand Indentification
Execute the Sales and Marketing Plan
Identify Buying Profiles of Current Customers and Prospects

Create Balanced Scorecard
Create Customer Feedback Survey
Determine Reporting and Feedback Process
Frequency of Performance Tracking
Obtain Customer and Employee Feedback
Track and Record Lessons Learned
"Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" is a well-known phrase in the United States Declaration of Independence.
I founded Unbranded Sales on the belief that all companies are NOT created equally. Many companies rise to success and financial freedom through hard work and determination, but many companies, even though they may contribute equally in hard work and determination, do not share in this same success. I believe that in order to achieve and maintain success you must first plan for your success utilizing unique strategies, creating custom processes, and then executing and measuring your performance.
My career has always centered on helping companies and people. That is my pursuit of happiness, helping others. My experiences have inspired me to perfect a business methodology that empowers companies to achieve their financial and civic goals by creating a custom strategy and process around their sales, marketing, and business development teams.
Each division within a company is unique, and has a direct role to play in advancing the performance of their company. They work in balance with operations to provide the company, who engages in these processes, liberty - a direct advantage over their competition by delivering exceptional value and service to their customers.
I am fortunate in my career to have worked for and with many companies who needed sales leadership and direction. My life lessons have prepared me for the opportunity to give back and help companies transform they way they sell and operate, thus enabling us to help you "Transform The Way You Sell".
We empower organizations to accomplish their mission, improve desired results, and add value to their customers by becoming more competitive and effective.
Our approach includes:
Creating Sales Methodology
Analysis and Evaluation
Strategy Formulation
Implementation and Execution
Sales Training Solutions using Social Media, Sales Fundamentals, and Internal and External Sales Objectives
Target Sales and Marketing
Due Diligence and Reporting
Conflict Resolution
Private Equity and Venture Capital Management